It's definitely as nice song to have in the background, i think it could be interesting as some kind of loop as well. Good work!
It's definitely as nice song to have in the background, i think it could be interesting as some kind of loop as well. Good work!
With flaws that can easily be overlooked i quite enjoyed your vocal efforts. I find this type of music very interesting, using your voice as an instrument doesn't seem easy. Well done man!
Thanks! Yeah, I wasn't too picky about it.
I really just had a sense of "Okay, I NEED to do this!" xD
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Good morning, haha. It's definitely an enjoyable feel good song with impressive performance. Not bad to listen to while sipping some morning coffee.
Thank you : ')
How cool! This is a very well done and interesting piece of art. I could listen to this for days, while sitting back and taking deep breaths. I love the story behind the creation of this, very inspiring!
Very cool man! I loved the intro build up, great use of effects. Like how the tempo kind of builds up into it. The rest seems to flow together very well. Great work man, i would finish it up man, though i wouldn't make the track much longer. It ends great
Not bad, keep at it man. It's pretty clunky, though being a first it's all good. Stick around here, and keep creating is all the advice i have, you'll learn in the process. There's a lot of talented folks on this site to get tips and learn from too. As you know, it's all about practice!
Thank you!
Yeah, as I've said in the description I'll be practicing all summer, and I'll check out some tutorials and advices so I can improve.
Definitely has that futuristic computer tone to it. I can imagine it as the opening sequence to a sitcom show about hacking or the evening news even. Cool song, i like the arpeggiations and "tronish" brass section hits. Good work man!
Thanks, happy you liked it :)
Very cool!. It's a fun tune. I like the little beat changes and atmosphere. The back-story adds entertainment too, imagining myself in some sort of rapturous world like in Bio-shock or something.
Everything sounds pretty well and well timed, i enjoyed the stay but i'm glad i made it out alive. Good stuff man, keep it up.
Bioshock was actually the inspiration behind this song glad u like it :)
Damn man, it's a pretty good cover your guitar work is impressive and vocals are very raw and passionate. I hide behind a computer when i make my music. To put yourself out there and put in that much effort in that performance is brave bro. Although it sounds very raw and rough, there is definitely some art to that. Good cover, to a great song man. Keep it up.
Thank you. I don't care when people "hide behind a computer." That is another form of creating, and it takes a different kind of talent, but it ultimately achieves the same goal. I honestly only call people out for hiding behind a computer when they call me out for not using the latest technology to enhance my own sound. I have to just remind them, I'm not faking my love of lo-fi recordings. Some people, like me, prefer a raw sound to a slick sound. I feel some of the people who hear me do my thing think I'm not "doing it right" when instead, they don't realize, this is the sound I like. It's purposefully supposed to sound like a live version, because it is one.
Music Maker from Canada
Joined on 2/2/13