The drop really ain't that bad, not in any inconvenient way to take away from the power of this song. Well done i like.
The drop really ain't that bad, not in any inconvenient way to take away from the power of this song. Well done i like.
Thank you
Great man, i like it alot. Cool vibe.
Fuck yeah man, this is great. The roof is easily raised with this one. Good stuff.
Cool man, im not huge into the 8 bit genre but this was a great effort. Good stuff, keep it up.
Thanks for the feedback man. To be honest, I'm not that into it either, but I wanted to give it a shot and try something different. I hope the judges won't be too harsh.
Yeah man, i can tell you guys put a ton of effort and precious time into this. The attention to detail (although i know that sounds cliche) was great. Incredible music, well done.
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for taking the time to listen and review.
Woo, that was pretty hardcore. I liked it dude. I especially liked the last minute or so after the breakdown. Well done, keep it up.
Not entirely sure what is wrong with you, but i liked this tune. It seems like it was a blast to create all the different elements going on, the drop at 1:20 was pretty dope. Not really familiar with this genre but i thought it was pretty decent.
It's great man, hopefully this is just a sample of more to come.
Music Maker from Canada
Joined on 2/2/13